The Exeter Chamber of Commerce and the City of Exeter work together to encourage economic development and the community at large. We are a business organization of over 300 members representing Exeter, as well as many other local communities. Acting as the Exeter Visitor Center, we are happy to greet and serve the needs of tourists, newcomers, businesses, and residents.

Public Relations
At the Chamber we specialize in public and media relations as well as serving as advocates for businesses, nonprofit associations, and other organizations; we build and maintain positive relationships with the community. We believe in the power of performance and we put our performance ability on the line for you.
Some benefits include:
- Media Contact List Available
- Member News in Monthly Newsletters
- Newsletter Inserts
- Bulk Mail Savings
- Press Releases
We can help you make new business contacts by giving you access to a wealth of potential customers and suppliers. Our events give members the chance to promote their products and services, bringing businesses, organizations and people together either informally or in a structured setting, often resulting in commercial benefits.
Some benefits include:
- Business After Hours Mixers
- Membership Breakfast
- Ribbon Cuttings
- Social Networking
We offer numerous chances to place your company in the spotlight. We understand that one reason you join the Chamber is to grow your business, we are placed to provide specific programs, informal networking and even personalized marketing tips to you.
Some benefits include:
- Priceless Sponsorship Opportunities
- Ambassador Committee
- Online Presence
- Member Features & Spotlights
- Email Blasts
- Exeter Gift Certificate Program
- Membership Mailing Lists